Telecom Regulatory Training Center
Ms. Eman is Senior TSD Engineer, International Coordination of Terrestrial Services. She has over 13 years of experience in the field of technology and regulatory in the digital transformation and telecom services, leading digital initiatives in the Broadcasting, objects communication, intelligent transportation systems, and telecom mobile and wireless infrastructure. Ms. Eman recent career has focused on spectrum management through digital solutions design and implementation with solid experience in key verticals in telecom market like AI, IoT, M2M, 5G and emerging technologies.
Ms. Eman is actively engaged in ITU-R study groups, she has joined SG5 – Terrestrial Services that covers Land mobile & Maritime services, Fixed wireless systems and IMT systems, in addition to SG7_ Science services that covers remote sensing systems. She also Active member of ASMG and ATU groups. She has been elected as the Vice Chairman of ASMG Science group.
Furthermore, she is currently passionate about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) for innovative applications, partnering with international groups interested in using emerging technologies including AI and IoT; To support optimized service production and management processes. Ms. Eman has a professional Master degree in Electronics & Communications (Wireless communication networks) and IoT Specialization from University of California, Irvine (UCI).