Telecom Regulatory Training Center
Mr. Ahmed Kormed is a Senior Spectrum Management Engineer in the Egyptian National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), he joined the NTRA since 2018. He started participation in the activities of ITU-R since 2019 as a member of the Egyptian delegation to the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19).
Mr. Kormed represented the Egyptian administration on the ITU-R working parties since 2019; he has served as a Lead champion representing Egypt’s position for three agenda items at WRC-19, and several agenda items at the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) and the Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) during WRC-23. In addition, he participates in several meetings and workshops, which organized by the ATU and ASMG for the topics related to spectrum management.
His active participation in ITU-R activities was the driver to be nominated as one of the ATU representatives for the 2nd ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-23 Preparation, that will be held at Geneva (29 November to 1 December 2022).
Currently, Mr. Kormed is the Lead Champion and responsible for Agenda item 1.9 at the African Telecommunication Union (ATU), as well as the Lead Champion and responsible for Agenda items 1.6, 1.7 at the Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) for the period 2019 – 2023.
Mr. Ahmed has earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications and Electronics engineering from Misr International University at 2016. In addition, he has granted his Masters of Engineering degree in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering from Cairo University at 2021.