Telecom Regulatory Training Center

Dr. Mohamed El-Moghazi is the Acting Executive Director, National Spectrum Affairs Department, the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Chairman of the Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG) 1, and Vice-Chairman, the Preparatory Meeting for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23). Dr. Maghazi is holder of a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Management; Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methodology for Business, Management, and Engineering (University of Strathclyde); Diploma in Communication Management (University of Colorado). Furthermore, he published myriad papers in esteemed conferences and prestigious journals and supervised many master’s theses and PhD dissertations on spectrum affairs. He was awarded the British Chevening Scholarship from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2007 and was also chosen as one of three finalist candidates for the Professional Achievement Award (UK Graduates) in 2018. Dr. Moghazi, also, won Young Researchers Award from the Pacific Telecommunications Council in 2017. He is the founder of the Global Telecom Policy Researchers Network (GTPRN), a non-profit initiative and research society for researchers in the field of telecommunications policy.