The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) was established in accordance with the provisions of Telecom Regulation Law No. 10/ 2003 as the national authority competent to regulate and administer the telecommunications sector. NTRA, pursuant to the Law, aims to enhance and deploy services in compliance with the most advanced technologies, satisfying the customers needs at the most appropriate prices, taking into consideration transparency, open competition, universal service and the protection of customers rights.
NTRA is responsible for creating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry as well as ensuring the provision of qualitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country.
Hence, in its capacity as the Egyptian regulator, NTRA promotes and facilitates a competitive information and communication technologies environment to advance the knowledge society and economic diversification through innovative and fair regulation.

NTRA has been taking the lead in areas that drive the advancement of the communications industry, as, pursuant to the Telecom Regulation Law no. 10/2003, it enjoys the juristic personality and financial independence in order to meet its mandates as set forth in the Law. Within the framework of these mandates, NTRA seeks to capitalize on its competencies in:
- Guaranteeing the provision of telecom services to all regions throughout the country, including the economic and developmental regions as well as the urban, rural and remote areas.
- Supporting the creation of a healthy investment environment based on free competition and equal opportunities principles;
- Developing and promoting appropriate strategies and policies that boost infrastructure development and use of ICT services;
- Offering incentives to investors through the Universal Service Fund to encourage them to provide under-served areas with at least basic telecom services.
- Organizing the interconnection agreements between licensed operators in order to guarantee efficiency and fair internetworking practices in the telecom sector.
- Protecting national security and ensuring the security and efficiency of telecommunications networks;
- Attaining efficient management, allocation and access of the radio frequency spectrum.
- Testing and certifying telecommunications and broadcasting equipment to ensure compliance with (i) international standards (ii) environmental health and safety standards, including electromagnetic radiation and emissions.