The third of December marks the International Day for People of Determination, and since the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA) firmly believes in the importance of empowering people of determination to utilize modern technologies which make life easier for them and raise business productivity as well, NTRA was keen on ensuring this segment of users, being a part and parcel of the Egyptian society, can smoothly access telecommunication and internet services. To this end, NTRA launched theservice of receiving and resolving complaints in Sign Language, that can be carried out via video calls on NTRA’s website https://tra.gov.eg, through which complaints are received, followed-up and resolved. A new mobile line with a 50%-discount on voice and data monthly packages was also acknowledged by NTRA through telecom operators in Egypt’s market, meanwhile, operators were directed to give priority to people of determination by immediately finishing all their transactions at branches so that they would not wait for a long time. Operators were directed as well to develop equipped facilities at their branches and outlets, in compliance with Egypt’s Engineering Code, to meet the people of determination’s needs.
Furthermore, in conjunction with people of determination’s International Day, NTRA directed mobile operators to provide a bundle of benefits to people of determination during current December. These benefits include enjoying a double package upon buying a new mobile line and getting exempted from paying administrative fees while using mobile wallets to pay due invoices or utility bills, or receiving a cash-back from the value of administrative fees that could be utilized in mobile wallet services.