Eng. Manal Ismail (the NTRA’s Chief Expert for Internet Policies) has been elected for the second time Chair of the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for the period from 2021 to 2023 during ICANN’s annual meeting which was held from 19 to 22 October 2020.
In fact, Eng. Manal was re-elected by acclamation, based on the recommendation of all members of GAC members, thanks to the strenuous efforts she exerted and her high performance during the past period (2018-2020). This made GAC members to request the Egyptian administration to renominate her again. Hence, Eng. Manal was re-elected and became a member of ICANN’s Board of Directors. It is worth mentioning that the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the international body mandated with the security, stability, and operability of the Internet ecosystem by setting and regulating the rules and policies forInternet resources of domain names and numbers. The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), which is currently chaired by Egypt, represented by the NTRA, is one of ICANN’s advisory committees. The committee comprises 178 states and 38 government organizations, and it represents the interests of governments and states in the course of the decision-making processes, in order to set a balance between various stakeholders in the Internet field from governments, companies, civil society, and users.