The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) is participating in the activities of the second meeting of the Task Group 6/1 (TG 6/1) organized by the ITU Radiocommunication Sector in the period from 19 to 23 October 2020. The works of the meeting will be conducted virtually, by using the digital meeting platforms, with the participation of more than two hundred experts and specialists from ITU’s member states. This Task Group was formed to undertake the preparation of the technical and regulatory studies and review of the international regulatory frameworks for radio services by using UHF band, so that it may be utilized for mobile service systems, especially the international mobile telecommunication (IMT) systems in the future. The NTRA’s participation in this meeting aims to prepare for the upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) in order to contribute to the development of service quality standards. In fact, this will eventually enhance the exploitation of spectrum resources in a way that boosts the market growth domestically, not to mention the State’s progress in the implementation of digital transformation projects. In addition, this will help pave the way for the completion of the development plans in this area. Within this framework, the NTRA has submitted to this meeting a contribution that includes a proposal to structure the subgroups that will be formed under the umbrella of the Task Group 6/1 (TG 6/1) to prepare and formulate various documents and studies.
22 October 2020