The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Authority for Administration and Regulations in Communications (ANCOM) of Romania to cooperate, exchange expertise with regard to developing regulatory policies as well as strategies, and build human capacities in digital transformation. The MoU was signed in line with reinforcing international cooperation between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Republic of Romania, especially in terms of telecom regulation. This also comes within the state’s policy to uphold digital transformation, foster relevant telecom services and reinforce the competitive environment to polarize investments in Egypt’s telecom market.
A number of technical topics in telecom regulation was coordinated within the MoU. The MoU also included exchanging expertise in terms of developing regulatory policies as well as strategies and discussing the best practices applied to face the emerging challenges confronted by both countries. It further entailed topics of cooperation in fields of creativity issues and aspects, sustainable development, in addition to adaption and reinforcement of regulatory environment to meet the rising challenges in telecom sector. Moreover, an agreement was reached between both parties on the mechanisms to be used to implement the MoU clauses. Those mechanisms entail carrying out consulting services in human resources as well as strategic planning management and development, coordinating joint events such as meetings and conferences, designing training programs and setting up workshops for both parties.
The MoU was signed by Eng. Hossam El-Gamal, the Executive President of NTRA, and Mr. Vlad Stefan Stoica, President of ANCOM, Romania. It was actually signed within the agenda of ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (ITU-PP), held in Bucharest, from September 26 to October 14, 2022, with 182 countries taking part.